2018 The Photo Book: your next step by Mayumi Suzuki and Eva-Maria Kunz (ceiba editions). Spaziolabò, Bologna.
2017- 2019 MFA in Photography at Ulster University.
2016- 2017 Shooting from Inside by Lina Pallotta. Officine Fotografiche, Roma.
2017 Seeing is Believing by Joakim Eskildsen, Hannes Wanderer and Giulia Zorzi. Micamera, Milan.
Power to the Archive by Petra Stavast. SpazioLabò, Bologna.
The Colour and the Shape by Jessica Backhaus. Micamera, Milan.
2016 Seeing Through Photograph by MoMA, Coursera.
Intimidad y Fotografía by Roger Guaus. Centro de Fotografía Contemporánea, Bilbao.
2015 Creative Editing by Laia Abril. SpazioLabò, Bologna.
Interiore by Michael Ackerman. Luce, Ancona.
Narrazione Visiva by Lina Pallotta. SpazioLabò, Bologna.
2013 Intimate Portrait by Just Loomis. Neue Schule für Fotografie, Berlin.
2013 I got pregnant.
I decided to study photography.
My adventure in the world of photography started.
2012 I quit my UNESCO dream
2002 Universities: Venice, Bologna, Madrid, Granada. I dreamt about working for UNESCO so all my studies were about safeguarding our cultural heritage.
1997 Liceo Artistico
1983 I was born.
After 5 years, exactly the same day, my brother was born too.
My parents tried to persuade me he was my birthday present.